Sunday, May 31, 2009
Dirty Mouth
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Too Many Cooks
NOTE FROM JORDAN: This the 100th Post on our blog! Because Crystal has posted it, she wins a prize. I think it will be a banana split.
In these 100 posts, we have bought and sold cars and homes, had a child, moved across the country, visited Disneyland, Mexico, Peru, Graceland and Amish country, eaten lots of yummythings, drawn a picture of a cat and surprised the family for Christmas.
Here's to our next 100 posts! Thank you for following along with our adventures.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Crystal's New Favorite Commercial
The commercial is funny, but Crystal's impression of it is hilarious!
Saturday, May 16, 2009
As I have been writing my Statements of Interest for each of the journals, I have talked about my time as a writer and editor (which has got to help me somehow in my application to be a writer/editor, right?) While figuring out what to say, I was reminded of a funny piece I wrote for The Daily Universe at BYU. It is about camping out for the annual BYU Lost and Found sale, in which they fill up the ballroom in the student center with all of the unclaimed items which have been lying around all year. There is a lot of cool stuff there, including electronics, clothes, athletic equipment, etc.
Here is the article. I hope you enjoy it.
Also, here is a piece of follow-up information: Crystal wore that jacket this week, so I guess it was a successful outing.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Pretty Cake!!!

Thursday, May 7, 2009
Twenty-Eight Is Great!!

Today is my wonderful husband's birthday. Most of his presents came early this year (the shed, lawn mower, a new flat screen tv, etc) so I felt bad that I didn't really have anything to give him today, except for a yummy dinner at his request. Then I thought, wait! I can tell him, and everyone else how much I love him and appreciate him. Jordan works so hard in law school, but he also works so hard to make sure he spends enough time with me and Clara and to help me out around the house and give me a break from the world of being a mom. I love his sense of humor. I love that he always tries to make me smile and laugh. I love that he can tell when I am upset or sad and that he can always make it better. I love that he puts up with all my quirkiness (and that he doesn't think it is anything to put up with!) I love that he is such a good father. I love how patient he is with me. I love that he does projects for and with me that I know he doesn't really want to do, but that I want them done (the garden, the fence). I love how he always thinks of thoughtful things to do for me. And really, I just love HIM!! Thank you for being my husband, Jordan. I love you so much! Happy 28th Birthday!
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Project, Projects, and more Projects!
Here is the shed being built. Goodbye bikes in the kitchen!

Here is our new lawn mower and by ours I really mean Jordan's because I am pretty sure he will be the one who uses it the most!