She couldn't get her feet under the covers with her shoes on, but taking them off was out of the question, so some days, she just naps with her shoes on! I find this really funny, seeing as I deal with her hatred of almost all footwear on a daily basis. So if this isn't as cute/funny to you, just humor me.
And because I am trying to be an equal opportunity blogging mother, here is a picture of Lucas! Isn't he so cute? Especially on this pink Disney Princess blanket of Clara's that has, for some reason, become the blanket that we put Lucas on 9 times out of 10. I try and tell myself that at 3 am when he is screaming his head off. Seriously, he can scream for 2 hours straight in the middle of the night and not fall asleep. I have witnessed it on several occasions. Looks like he (and me) wont be sleeping through the night for a while.(seriously, I spent two weeks sleeping with ear plugs and trying to let him just cry it out and he would cry for 2 hours! Jordan would go sleep in the guest room, and after a while , oh say two hours! I would give in and pick him up. Was that enough? Oh no, he wants to eat. My chunkamonk not so little, 19 lb. not quite 6 month old wants to eat. So I have come to the conclusion thatI will get more sleep if I just keep feeding him in the night, though in the back of my mind, I think he SHOULD be able to sleep through the night. I guess we will try again once Jordan is on Christmas Break from school and I can ensure I get a nap in. Fun.)
Its the most wonderful time of the year! There are toy catalogs all over our house, because whenever one comes in the mail or with the Sunday paper (or from a friend who gives us one because there is a doppelganger of Clara inside. Thanks Lindsey!) Clara inevitably finds it and it gets added to her book shelf because she can't bear to part with them. The other day, she brought one to the dinner table for a little reading during her meal. It was really funny. Again, if you don't think so, humor me.
Well, that is all for now from the Muhlestein household. Stay tuned for a post (if you are lucky) about our no good, very bad week. That's right folks, we are all sick. Thank you to Clara for being the carrier monkey of this lovely sickness. But don't worry, we have been kind enough to share our germs with those around us. Tis the season for giving...