This post is mainly for my sister Tanya. She loves the Amish. Strike that. She is semi-obsessed with the Amish. She is fascinated by them. When we went to the Ohio State Fair last weekend, there was a produce booth run by an Amish woman. You could tell she was Amish by the way she was dressed. I texted my sister to tell her I saw a real live Amish Woman. She texted me back "No freakin way! LUCKY!" She was really jealous of me. She wants to come and visit us here is Ohio partly so she can go to Amish country and buy some real Amish goods. Like I said, semi-obsessed. Anyways, the reason this post is for her is because Jordan and I went to an Amish restaurant for dinner tonight. Our anniversary is Monday, also the first day of school, so we decided to celebrate a little early. We chose to go somewhere we had never been before, so we chose "Der Dutchman" an Amish Kitchen restaurant. Here are some pictures to prove it:

See? I wasn't lying!

That is a REAL Amish buggy and yes we did bring Clara with us on our anniversary date!

Those are REAL Amish rocking chairs! And they are oh so comfortable too! The wood is contoured like your back is so it doesn't feel rigid.
Well there you have it, our first real exposure to Amish Land. I am sure there will be many more ventures to that magical place, especially when Tanya comes to visit! We can't wait!
(If any of you are now intrigued and want to come visit Amish Country too, we do love visitors!)
That’s funny that you should post about the Amish. I watched Saving Sarah Cain earlier today. If your sis likes feel good movies and the Amish she will like this movie.
They are intriquing...but I can't say I could be semi-obsessed! That's funny. Happy Anniversary early anniversary! ...and WOW, Jordan buzzed his hair! Is that for school? It looks good!
This is the sister talking....the reason I love the Amish, is I am so impressed with how they have been able to preserve their values and heritage. They don't let the outside world really infect their close knit community...something I think we all can do a little better at with our own homes. I see the world's influence everywhere, and it is even getting into the strongest families. Simplicity is at the heart of who they are. They are also a very forgiving people. I also love how great craftsmen they are. You have to love something that is completely made by hand. There is something really special about what they believe and how they live.
True comment Tanya! There are Amish people that come into the hospital here in WI. It's very interesting - their way of life. There's a big community north of here. At the farmers market every Saturday they have booths and will be there singing.
I love the Amish too! Who knew? Grandma gave me an Amich cookbook. They know how to cook!
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